To Connect One Pet:
1. Press the power button on the bottom of the Pet (hold for about 2 seconds) You'll hear a chime and see a blue light blinking rapidly. The blinking blue light means your Pet is in search mode.
2. Go to the Settings on your Bluetooth enabled device and select Bluetooth. Your device will automatically search for Bluetooth devices. When you "My Audio Pet" pop up, select it to pair your device with your Pet. You will hear an additional chime.
3. Play your favorite Music and enjoy.
To Connect Two Pets:
1. Press the power button for 2 seconds on both of the Pets you want to Pair. You'll hear a chime on each.
2. Double Click the Power button on one of the Pets. This will become the lead Pet. You'll hear an additional chime when they find each other - it could take a second or two, but usually happens immediately after the double click.
3. Go to Bluetooth Settings on your device and Choose "My Audio Pet" from the menu.
If you connect your Pets to other devices either individually or paired, you may need to repeat the steps above to re-establish the connections.
Question: What if I tried the directions to Pair the Pets and I am still having trouble?
If you tried the steps to Pair your Pets and they won’t seem to connect or you get a message that they are unable to pair with your device then follow the additional steps below.
1. Turn off the pets.
2. Turn off the Bluetooth on your device.
3. Turn on the pet(s)
4. If connecting 2 pets double click one and that will become the lead pet. You will hear a chime when they connect.
5. Turn on the Bluetooth on your device and make sure it is in search mode. When you see “My Audio Pet" pop up click to pair. You will hear a chime when it connects.
6. Enjoy your music.
If you connect your Pets to other devices either individually or paired, you may need to repeat the steps above to re-establish the connections.